European Union
Re: Before the seminar...
by Nikola Jovanovic - Friday, 7 July 2006, 05:52 PM

Dear Jochen and all,

I schould be a participant in a tutor seminar next week. My name is Nikola Jovanovic and I have also finished CCNA.

About a Jochan's latest questions, I can say that every tutor has to look on things by the eyes of the participant. The difference is that tutors has to know all answers. On the seminar, we should pay attention to the e-businness and advantage for SME's to start advertize them self and expand there businesses on the Internet. I mean, the way we should present them this advantage is crucial for us.

About using the LMS for train the SME's, it depends on the tools this LMS offer. The textual part is basic for learning but examples and Labs offer "all you should know asap".

That would be all from me right now.

Best regards,


Re: Before the seminar...
by Jochen Dietz - Monday, 10 July 2006, 09:57 AM

Dear Nicola,

Thank you very much for your post. Your answer about the tutor’s job is quite interesting and it’s a good start for a further discussion, we should resume after the seminar. … It is absolutely true, that the “tutor has to look on things by the eyes of the participant”, and that “the difference is that tutors have to know all answers”. But what does that exactly mean? How can the tutor look on the things through the eyes of his participants? And how can he know all the answers? … I don’t want to post an answer now as I hope that the other tutors post their opinion to this topic as well. … Regarding the use of the LMS during the training of the SME’s, you’re right, it depends on the tools it offers. One important tool, the discussion forum, you’re already working with it. There are other tools like an integrated mail and chat programme and the possibility to integrate Skype ( All these tools and of course others as well you’ll get to know during the seminar. … But what I didn’t understand, what do you mean with: “The textual part is basic for learning but examples and Labs offer "all you should know asap". Can you give an example or could you please make some further comments.

