European Union

Ilias Hatzakis

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by Ilias Hatzakis - Monday, 3 July 2006, 11:27 AM
  Hi everyone,

First I would like to encourage you to post something on your expectations of the training, probable questions/problems of the platform or the content that should be discussed, or even a confirmative post that you receive e-mails from this forum...

Second: On the URL

you will find a video in English concerning the experience of the deployment of the GOONLINE initiative in Greece.

Please see it, it will be the subject of discussion on Tuesday 10h30-13h00.


by Ilias Hatzakis - Monday, 26 June 2006, 03:26 PM

Dear friends,

I would like to welcome you to this forum in which we will prepare and  support (in a free and relaxed way smile) the distant seminar on e-business that will take place in 2 weeks time (11-14 July) between Athens and Belgrade.

This forum will be moderated by Jochen Dietz and Wolfgang Neuhaus (the Free University of Berlin team), Vassiliki Giannikopoulou and myself (the GRNET team).

The participants are: The 6 trained tutors + 3 of the professors (Dr Pantelis Aggelidis, Dr Panagiotis Zaharias and Dr Zoran Jovanovic) + Milan Kuzelka (AMREJ-University of Belgrade)+ Gerald Haese and Harriett Hoffman (Berlin again)  

The main aims of this forum are to

· Get to know each other

· Find out which are your expectations of the training

· Find out what is your current level on informatics/ e-business/ e-learning

· What questions/problems should be discussed during the seminar

So please, as a first step, it would be nice if you could all introduce yourself (apart from the CV that you have been asked to send via e-mail) and write a few words on the rest of the questions.

I wish you a pleasant and fruitful work.

Ilias Hatzakis
ELISA coordinator


by Ilias Hatzakis - Friday, 23 June 2006, 12:52 PM
  Hi everybody, English please (even in tests) smile

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