European Union
Re: After the seminar...
by Dusan Radovanovic - Tuesday, 18 July 2006, 01:32 PM

Hello everyone,

First of all, I would like to say thanks to all of you that held the lectures and shared your knowledge with us.

This seminar certainly was a rich experience for me, as you gave me the know-how on teaching. I think the most important thing is contact with pupils, and according to that, the best thing I have learned is the proper way to communicate and interact. Dr. Zaharias held a very important presentation, essential maybe, because our pupils will be very interested in the fist steps they need to take and things to have in mind before and after opening their e-shop.

One other important thing is that the training content featured in ELISA course is very comprehensive and easy to use for our students. Ability to adapt the material, add various objects and configure every aspect of platform gives us, the lecturers, the ability to get closer to students and keep them interested to the subject.

The ease of operating and interacting makes this platform a successful one, and I really think we will be able to give our students quality lectures.

We should all remain in contact, through this forum or e-mail, to make this course best as possible.

Best regards,