Dear tutors, Thank you very much for your contribution before, during and, until now, after the seminar. For me it was and still is an enrichment to be part of the project ELISA and the challenge to train tutors via videoconference and via the LMS Moodle. In my opinion we all have now a very good starting position for further discussions via the Moodle forum, e-Mail or even Skype. I and of course all the other project members would be very happy, if we manage to establish a lasting discussion about e-Commerce, e-Business, Moodle, deployment scenarios, tutoring etc. Maybe we can maintain the good “discussion culture” by discussing the possibilities/limitations of using Moodle for the training of the SME’s and the role of the tutor. We started with that before the seminar and I would like to go on with that. But of course we can discuss although other subjects or even invite an e-Business/e-Learning/etc expert for a chat-/Skype-session. Although you’ve all completed the questionnaire (thanks for that) and already given statements about the seminar within this forum, I still would like to know what we could do better the next train-the-trainer seminar: E.g. preparation of the seminar, discussion/moderation of the forum before the seminar, length of the seminar, quantity of the presentations, topics, length of the presentations, more about e-Learning/Moodle/tutoring. So, please keep using the forum by asking questions, discussing problems and writing your thoughts about any subject. With the best Jochen |