European Union
Re: Welcome to the teleseminar Athens/Berlin-Sofia
by Nikolay Netov - Saturday, 4 November 2006, 02:32 PM

Hi everybody,
My name is Nikolay and currently I am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. I have some e-learning experience  since 2002 through the Sun’s Academic Initiative (SAI), a collaborative program between Sun Microsystems and academic institutions. As a part of this program our faculty becomes authorized to deliver training on Sun technologies. In addition, Sun provided as with free access to selected online courses through the Sun Learning Center. 10s to Sun Microsystems, I am teaching my courses in a “blended learning” model. In practice “blended learning” model is a flexible term that means different things to different people.I hope this forum is good host to find out what people in training and development currently understand by the term “blended learning” - and to hear about work that is currently being done. Who drives the use of technology in learning?
