European Union

Milan Kuzelka

by Milan Kuzelka - Wednesday, 8 November 2006, 03:22 PM

Hello everyone,

I am Milan Kuzelka from Belgrade, Serbia. I am employee of the University of Belgrade - Research&education network of Serbia. Even I am not on the list of the participants, I would like to be a part of this forum. smile I am the coordinator for ELISA project in Serbia. Here in Belgrade, on our tele-seminar which has been organized in July, we had a great time. I am not sure who your lecturers are, but our were fantastic.

I hope your seminar will gone smoothly as our. If you have some question or if I can help you somehow, I am at your disposal.

I wish you all a lot of success.


by Milan Kuzelka - Tuesday, 18 July 2006, 02:02 PM

Hello everyone,

After all, what is left to be sad. I think we had successfull seminar and everyone's expressions are positive.

I am glad we didn't have problems with connectivity. The equipment has worked well, audio and video streaming were quite satisfactory. Minor technical problems were irelevant and they haven't had influents on the seminar. The webstreaming has to be improved, specially video presentation.

The lecturers, what to say, a cream of the seminar. Thanks to all of them for the participantion on this seminar. Theirs presentations were excellent. Every tutor has it own favour lecturer. The communication with them, will surely be continued through e-mails and forums. Here, in Serbia, we don't have much experience with e-commerce and we will have a questions about it. That is why we have been stucked a few times in the course of the lectures.

Maybe, if it is possible in the future, the tutor groups should be composed of the people with a various knowledge and interest. In that way, while lectures are going on or on the breaks, they can give some explanations or advice to each other.

Thanks to all of you who were involved on this seminar and now we go further. The project is not over.wink 

by Milan Kuzelka - Friday, 23 June 2006, 12:41 PM

U principu svi znate kako funkcioniše Elite security u Srbiji, a ovo je slično.

Ono što bi zamolio sve tutore iz Srbije jeste da update-uju svoje CV-e i da mi iste pošalju na mail do srede 28.06. Očekujem i neke odgovore na ovo, kao i pitanja.

by Milan Kuzelka - Friday, 23 June 2006, 12:35 PM

Cao svima.

Ovaj forum ćemo koristiti za aktuelnosti u vezi sa projektom. Možete ga koristiti za sva pitanja, testiranje i sl.