European Union

Jochen Dietz

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by Jochen Dietz - Monday, 6 November 2006, 04:55 PM

Wow! I'm realy impressed from your rapidness in presenting yourself. Thanks. I take this as a great interest from you all in the upcoming teleseminar and (hopefully) in Moodle. So let's go a bit further and talk about e-Learning or, how Nikolay stated, blended learning. Do the others have any hands-on experience in e-Learning or blended learning? Have you been working with a Learning Management System like Moodle? Do you agree with Nikolay that blended learning is a “flexible term that means different things to different people”? What is your opinion?

Greetings from Berlin


by Jochen Dietz - Friday, 3 November 2006, 01:45 PM

As one of the moderators of this forum I'd like to set a good example and start with a short presentation of myself:

My name is Jochen Dietz, I'm 32 years old, an university trained teacher for economics orientated vocational schools and working currently at the Freie Universität Berlin within two projects:

1. Project FUeL, which aims at implementing e-Learning at the Freie Universität Berlin. I'm consultant of the economics department and contact person for all questions around e-Learning and the central learning management platform Blackboard.

2. Project ELISA, which you (hopefully) already know. Together with my colleagues from Berlin we are responsible for the evaluation of the learning management platform Moodle and that you all gain lots of usable (e-Learning) experiences before, during and after the train the trainer seminar.

Before this job, I was an academic research assistant at the Universität Leipzig (Chair of Business Education and Educational Management) and worked together with pedagogues, business economists and computer scientists on the development, implementation and evaluation of an online e-Commerce course. And before that I worked as an ad viser for Electronic Data Processing and Information Technology at the Eastern German Savings Bank Academy in Potsdam and was responsible for the according educational training program, including calculation, marketing, organization, coordination and evaluation.

Apart from my working life, I’m spending quite a lot of time with my son (playing football !) and the rest of my free time I’m surfing the internet, and reading books.

If you’ve got any further question to me, my life and especially to e-Learning, Moodle, deployment scenarios etc., please don't hesitate asking any question. I’ll try to answer within a few hours.

Jochen Dietz

by Jochen Dietz - Friday, 21 July 2006, 09:58 AM

Dear tutors,

Thank you very much for your contribution before, during and, until now, after the seminar. For me it was and still is an enrichment to be part of the project ELISA and the challenge to train tutors via videoconference and via the LMS Moodle.

In my opinion we all have now a very good starting position for further discussions via the Moodle forum, e-Mail or even Skype. I and of course all the other project members would be very happy, if we manage to establish a lasting discussion about e-Commerce, e-Business, Moodle, deployment scenarios, tutoring etc.

Maybe we can maintain the good “discussion culture” by discussing the possibilities/limitations of using Moodle for the training of the SME’s and the role of the tutor. We started with that before the seminar and I would like to go on with that. But of course we can discuss although other subjects or even invite an e-Business/e-Learning/etc expert for a chat-/Skype-session.

Although you’ve all completed the questionnaire (thanks for that) and already given statements about the seminar within this forum, I still would like to know what we could do better the next train-the-trainer seminar:

E.g. preparation of the seminar, discussion/moderation of the forum before the seminar, length of the seminar, quantity of the presentations, topics, length of the presentations, more about e-Learning/Moodle/tutoring.

So, please keep using the forum by asking questions, discussing problems and writing your thoughts about any subject.

With the best

by Jochen Dietz - Monday, 10 July 2006, 05:57 PM

Dear Dusan,

100 points for your answer of the tutors main job: "I think the e-Tutors feedback and contact with pupils are essential. Exercises are very handy as they keep people on the track." smile 

The only challenge left is to realise this in practice. ... But we'll work on that, so that you know what and how to do when you have to train the SME's.


by Jochen Dietz - Monday, 10 July 2006, 10:05 AM

Dear Dusan,

welcome to the forum.

You wrote, that you have had already some e-Learning experiences. Can you please give some further details on your e-Learning experiences? And what are your expectations of the Train the Tutor Seminar? What would you like to learn?



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